Kolej International Graduate Studies

Centre of Achievement & Rewarding Experience

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Certificate in Arts & Design

Study level : Certificate
Programme : UMS

A 1-year programme designed to meet current demands from talented individuals inclined towards art-related careers. Students will be cultivated with the spirit of entrepreneurship to create opportunities in the creative industries. Students may enter diploma in the field of art & design upon completion.

Entry Requirements

- Minimum if 2 O-levels - Skills Certificate Level 2 - Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma (Secondary School)

Course Structure

Semester 1 :
  • History of Art & Asesthetics
  • Introduction to Art
  • Sculpture Research
  • 2D & 3D Media
  • Melayu Islam Beraja
Semester 2 :
  • Theatre Studies
  • Composition Technology
  • Exploration of Local Ethnic Art
  • Gallery & Exhibition Management
  • Portfolio Management
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